Parade car part 2

One of the reasons the comic is late sometimes, click the pictures to see them bigger

Not so different from my sketches

Look, its big

yes, its big

the original sketch and yes they pay me for it, the first time something big came from my idea


  1. Cohen

    hey algeya,
    sweet.. that beast is evolving nicely. your water-drop character looks a bit unfriendly (or rather crackbrained?) though when seen from a lower position…maybe you can improve the eyes? (as far as i understood your company is spreading the message “water’s your friend”..?)
    great to see that your creativity (which i have been observing for hmm…about one year @pilli’s) also spreads to the unvirtual world 🙂
    here in germany we have “karneval” this month, which involves lots of emblazement and funny dressing aswell.
    best whishes and thanks for still dedicating time to the comic!

  2. Valigarmander

    Hah, awesome. 😀

  3. algeya

    thanks for your comments, Cohen they told me the same about the expresion of the water drop character (Llavecin),

  4. Cohen

    any new news to the carnaval project? i’ve been sick and unable to reach the pc for more than a week now and you seem to have been pretty busy, at least on the comic and the blog 🙂
    just wanted to ask you not to be discouraged by the critics to Llavecin… – real-world-3d-modeling is just another new step from 3dmaxing… and your whole project is just…*huge* main priority: algeya happy.
    has the train already left the station?
    hint for last minuters:
    some dark cardboard and tape glued to the models helps to quickly try some changes (bigger pupils) to your projects. try yourself 😉
    btw: is there any chance for a hidden paco on the parade car?
    have yourself some nice carnaval and good parties – sadly no karneval for me, but luckily i’ve been to some parties prior the great rush 🙂
    damn, i’m in a hurry – gotta catch up to your latest strips+posts tomorrow!
    veracruz alaaf! =)

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